Listen to the predictions of Ray Kurzweil, a famous future research scientist, about human life in the coming years.

A leading American inventor insists that humans will become immortal for at least the next two decades thanks to the achievements in nanotechnology and our growing understanding of

An artificial intelligence system of Google launched the product

According to the Daily Star, last month, a group of scientists announced the video, warning the threat of killer robots.

The famous American inventor Ray Kurzweil, who has always had very accurate future predictions about the technology, predicted that the computer would be equal, or able to surpass

Researchers believe that future artificial intelligence can be as smart as humans, 3D printing techniques will be more widely used in many fields.

Ray Kurzweil, Google Chief Technology Officer, predicts that the technology to connect the human brain to the Internet will be complete within the next 15 years, creating the

Contrary to those who are afraid of enslaved humanity, Ray Kurzweil, Google's Chief Technology Officer, thinks that 12 years from now, people will be better off with supportive

Many people believe that people will become immortal when they load information in the brain into the computer through digital technology.

With the advancement of science and technology, it is not surprising that the next era is the world of robots.