Exciting with multi-functional office

If you feel overwhelmed by the work, so much that you just want to sleep at the office, combine Verbandkammer with strange jigsaw style, full of eating, sleeping and working space of German architects Nilsson Pflugfelder is probably the right solution.

If you feel overwhelmed by the work, so much that you just want to sleep at the office, combine Verbandkammer with strange jigsaw style, full of eating, sleeping and working space of German architects Nilsson Pflugfelder is probably the right solution.

Picture 1 of Exciting with multi-functional office

Picture 2 of Exciting with multi-functional office

Picture 3 of Exciting with multi-functional office

Verbandkammer complex

The multi-function office was designed by Pflugfelder to be ordered by the FLACC Visual Arts Institute in Genk (Belgium), to bring living and working space to visual artists. From the outside, viewers can associate this building with bedrooms on trains, anti-nuclear bunkers or where the . Batman. Verbandkammer has 40 separate compartments, arranged into working rooms, meeting rooms, and even a dormitory for employees with all necessary items. What is special is that "office" can be removed, moved easily like giant toy puzzle pieces in just a few minutes.

The author of the work, Pflugfelder said: "Verbandkammer is designed to change the needs of everyone" and "allows visual artists in particular and office workers in general to operate, do work your own way ".

Picture 4 of Exciting with multi-functional office

Picture 5 of Exciting with multi-functional office

Picture 6 of Exciting with multi-functional office

Picture 7 of Exciting with multi-functional office

Picture 8 of Exciting with multi-functional office

Reference: Daily Mail

Update 15 December 2018



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