Extremely poisonous snake with a bite that causes the victim to break the bone

Golden lancehead viper (golden lancehead viper) is one of the most unique snakes in the world and they are only found on Ilha de Queimada island - also known as Snake Island.

The golden lancehead viper is one of the most unique snakes in the world and they are found only on Ilha de Queimada island - also known as Snake Island - 32km from the coast of Sao Paolo (Brazil). . This snake causes 90% of snake-bitten deaths in Brazil.

Picture 1 of Extremely poisonous snake with a bite that causes the victim to break the bone

Picture 2 of Extremely poisonous snake with a bite that causes the victim to break the bone

This snake lives in Ilha de Queimada island

When bitten by snakes, venom causes a series of symptoms such as edema, local pain, nausea, vomiting, hematoma, vomiting and blood in the urine, intestinal bleeding, kidney failure, cerebral hemorrhage and Severe muscle necrosis.

Yellow-headed cobra grows and reaches an average length of about 70 cm, and the maximum can reach over 118 cm.

They have a pale yellow-brown body, covering a series of pale streaks on triangular or quadrilateral backs, wide or narrow, alternating or interlocking into a strip along the back, depending on the individual. In captivity, this yellow color often becomes darker, which may be the result of poor blood circulation caused by inefficient body temperature regulation. The first part has two clear stripe stripes behind the eyes. The belly of this species has pale creamy yellow or cream.

According to statistics here, there are up to 5 1 every 6 cobra snake heads. But even if the number of snakes is less, you can avoid death when walking more than 3 steps. The reason why this snake becomes so dangerous is still a mystery.

Picture 3 of Extremely poisonous snake with a bite that causes the victim to break the bone

Picture 4 of Extremely poisonous snake with a bite that causes the victim to break the bone

The snakes have evolved to have strong venom

A widely accepted hypothesis is that 11,000 years ago, the sea level rose and split the island of Ilha de Queimada Grande from Brazil, making the island's snakes only a limited source of food, which are migratory birds. residence.

Most snake venom takes a long time to develop, sometimes up to a few days. This means, at the time of snake venom killing birds, they may have moved elsewhere. Therefore, snakes have evolved to have extremely strong venom, which can kill prey almost immediately.

Picture 5 of Extremely poisonous snake with a bite that causes the victim to break the bone

Picture 6 of Extremely poisonous snake with a bite that causes the victim to break the bone

The venom of this snake can melt human skin

The snake's venom on this island is 5 times more powerful than the venom of other snakes and can even melt human skin. Before the island was banned, there were many cases of this scary reptile victim.

Update 16 December 2018



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