Facebook develops text typing technology by thought

On April 19, Facebook's social networking site announced research projects that allow users to create text directly from the brain, as well as communicate with each other through the skin.

Speaking at an annual Silicon Valley developer conference, Facebook CEO Regina Dugan said the project "Building 8" brings together more than 60 scientists, engineers and specialists. System integration, help people type the text from the thought . The use of implantable devices in the brain helped testers tap at eight words per minute, and Facebook's goal was to collaborate with researchers at many US universities to create a "non-invasive system." " can be typed directly from the mind with a maximum speed of up to 100 words per minute.

Picture 1 of Facebook develops text typing technology by thought
This project will become a useful tool for people with disabilities. (Illustration).

This project, when turned into a reality, will be a useful tool for people with disabilities, including ordinary people who want to communicate with their friends without touching the phone. At the event, Ms. Dugan showed a video showing a woman with Alzheimer's dementia using her brain to move the cursor on the computer screen, and typing the character at a slow speed.

In addition to the project, the "Building 8" team is also working on developing a system that allows users to hear text just by touching their skin. The idea of this project is derived from Braille, a braille system for the blind and the blind. At the conference, a video was also screened, with two Facebook employees talking to each other by touching their skin. When A wears an electronic device in his hand, B uses a computer program to convert pressure changes to A's and A's to sense the sound of the word in his hand. However, Dugan said the project needed further research and development.

Facebook signed deals with 17 universities, including Harvard University and Princeton, in support of the projects. Responsible for managing this project was Ms. Dugan, who was the director of the Department of Defense's Advanced Defense Research Projects (DARPA).