Factors affecting world development

A latest forecast for the development scenario of the world has been established by 1,360 scientists from 95 countries - United Nations report on the state of the planet's ecosystems. In that scientists tried to predict

A latest forecast for the development scenario of the world has been established by 1,360 scientists from 95 countries - United Nations report on the state of the planet's ecosystems.

In it, scientists tried to predict what happened to our planet in 2050.

Picture 1 of Factors affecting world development

Earth, satellite images ( Source: NASA )

In the report, there are four development scenarios of the world in economic, political and social fields, as well as how that development affects humanity and the environment.

According to the first scenario , in the political and economic fields, scientists noted the strengthening of globalization. Moreover, globalization not only touches on the commercial sector. It also involves both politics, health and education. Scientists emphasize that it not only promotes economic development but also reduces population.

If development takes place under the second scenario , we will have a small world of many countries. They are primarily concerned with securing their own security and gaining profitable business relationships with other countries. At the same time, the world economic development indicators will stop at the lowest level, while the global population will increase strongly.

In two other development scenarios , scientists have been particularly focused on the development of technology and environmental protection.

According to these scenarios around the 30s of the 21 st century, the world population will increase significantly and then, the pace of world economic development will gradually decline.

Scientists emphasize that to select the optimal development path, it is necessary to consider all ecosystems as a unified whole, not separate arrays.

It took scientists four years to create the study.

Update 15 December 2018



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