3 factors that help people

Looking for the factors that help human height increase significantly compared to the old.

Factors that help people grow taller

There is a fact that humanity has had a big change in the last 150 years, the population has increased from 1 billion people to over 7 billion people. In developed countries, the average life expectancy has skyrocketed from 45 in the mid-1800s to 80 at the present time. Not only that, the height of the human race has also increased greatly.

The average height of humans has increased in most countries such as the UK, the US or even Japan with a height of up to 10cm. Champion of height growth in the past 150 years must include the Dutch.

Today, Dutch people have an average height of 1m88 in men and 1m70 in women, which means they are 20cm taller than those in the middle of the nineteenth century. So what makes people so tall and tall?

1. A better diet

In the 1980s, Komlos - a anthropological historical researcher discovered the cause of changing the average size of the population - that is, socio-economic conditions . In particular, he relied on archives from government military records to track the soldier's height.

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Research results show that changes in height of the human body are directly related to two factors - diet and disease , especially in childhood.

If children do not eat well or the body cannot absorb nutrients, suffer from many diseases, the chances of becoming taller are greatly reduced.

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History also proved this, in the Middle Ages when the "Black Death" epidemic spread throughout Western Europe and killed 60% of the population, who were fortunate to survive under 'few people' conditions with real sources. more abundant products. Therefore, they will also develop good heights , particularly as the British rose 4cm tall during this period.

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In the eighteenth century, the period of industrial and social revolution was divided, slums and diseases increased, causing the development of height to be stopped.

Until after the nineteenth century, the improvement of agricultural production, domestic water and urban sanitation has made the height of Western Europeans significantly increased for decades in a row and reached what it is today. .

2. Have better genes

Besides nutrition, genes also play an important role in the development of human height. Scientists determined that there were at least 180 different gene variants related to height determination.

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They say our height changes over the past decade have been because we have tried to spread and replicate genes that help maximize this. Genetic sources include mutations in height or individuals with large heights.

A concrete example like Japan. Before the 50s of the twentieth century, Japanese people had extremely small stature. However, with the desire to improve height, the government has introduced many policies including encouraging Japanese people to marry foreign spouses, this policy has achieved very positive results.

3. The development of sports

Stature can be seen as a sign of sex appeal in many cultures. According to a 2004 survey, with each inch higher than the average, one could expect to make an extra $ 789 per year (approximately US $ 976 - about 21.2 million VND according to today's value).

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Although these results are illusory, however, it shows that the psychology of people during the past 150 years is always trying to make themselves higher .

In addition to studying reasonable diets and genetic improvement, the development of sports activities also contributes to increased height.

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Exercise is durable and methodical that will increase metabolism and blood circulation, increase growth hormone, thereby increasing bone mass.

With exercises such as swinging, jumping high . will cause us to reach out regularly, making the discs between the expansion bone . This is similar to the fact that astronauts will rise after a period of suspension in a gravityless state.