Fall colors all over the world
Autumn and autumn is also the time when the foliage starts to change color, creating brilliant scenes of gold in the world.
Autumn and autumn is also the time when the foliage starts to change color, creating brilliant scenes of gold in the world.
>>>Colorful collections throughout the world
Baby girl vibrates the tree so that yellow leaves fall in a park in the capital Minsk, Belarus.(Photo: AP)
Sunlight passes through the clouds in Cologne, Germany.(Photo: EPA)
Street artists play violins in a sunny autumn day in Prague, Czech Republic.(Photo: EPA)
Autumn golden sunshine on the trees in the village of Guscha, Maienfeld village, Grisons state, eastern Switzerland.(Photo: EPA)
Mist obscures fishing boats anchored in Messolongi lagoon, western Greece.Fog often appears in the fall in this country.(Photo: AP)
Dark clouds covered the sky above the brilliant forest collected near Goettingen, Germany.(Photo: EPA)
The fog covered before sunrise in Nagykanizsa, 208km southwest of Budapest, Hungary and the capital.(Photo: EPA)
Poplars like the sun shine in the sun after the snowstorm.(Photo: AP)
Red spider flowers bloom when the summer has just finished gathering in Kinchakuda park in Hidaka, Saitama, Japan.(Photo: EPA)
Woman photographing ginkgo canopy in autumn in Beijing, China.(Photo: AFP)
Yellow-leafed tree silhouetted on the water of Lake Trepliner See near Treplin, eastern Germany. (Photo: AFP)
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