Falling in love with a Soviet spy, Albert Einstein revealed the secret of developing nuclear weapons

Right! Einstein was obsessed with a woman ten years younger than him, he even revealed the secret of developing the atomic bomb in the Soviet Union.

Today I return to you again the topic of the genius physicist Einstein but in terms of private life. As a respected scientist, but at the same time like many other men, easily captivated by beauty.

Đúng vậy! Einstein bị ám ảnh bởi một người phụ nữ trẻ hơn mình cả chục tuổi, thậm chí ông còn tiết lộ bí mật phát triển bom nguyên tử ở Liên Xô. Người phụ nữ này là ai? Làm thế nào mà cô ấy khiến Einstein sẵn sàng giao nộp thông tin tuyệt mật?

Ai có thể nghĩ một nhà khoa học lừng danh sẽ dễ dàng bị thu phục bởi một phụ nữ trẻ hơn mình 20 tuổi, Margarita Konenkova (1895-1980). Cô đến Hoa Kỳ cùng chồng là một nhà điêu khắc nổi tiếng - Sergei Konenkov. Lúc đó Margarita là một bà nội trợ, không có việc gì để làm nên thường xuyên đi dạo.

Picture 1 of Falling in love with a Soviet spy, Albert Einstein revealed the secret of developing nuclear weapons

Nhà điêu khắc nổi tiếng người Nga Sergei Konenkov cùng vợ là Margarita Konenkova.

By chance, at a sculpture exhibition organized by her husband Margarita, she was accidentally discovered by Soviet intelligence officers in the US. They secretly find her, wanting Margarita to join and become their spy. At first, Margarita was wary, she was a housewife after all, making espionage very dangerous.

The Soviet spy also took into account Margarita's concerns from the beginning, in addition to convincing the rain to soak for a long time, he did not rush to ask her to perform the task, only asked that Margarita first undergo a training session. spy. She wanted to be a beauty agent at the time, and had done some pretty good messenger missions, which was also an easy job, not dangerous at all.

A few years later she was asked to approach the famous scientist Einstein. She learned that Einstein immigrated to the United States very early, being a Jew was sure to be the safest person in the United States, but even so, the security measures the United States put in place for him. is still applicable.

Margarita's first contact with Einstein was when her husband was invited by Princeton University to sculpt a statue of Einstein, the school's elite professor in 1935.

When Margarita entered the workshop while her husband was working with the prototype. For the first time in his life, Einstein felt ashamed of his messy hair, wrinkled clothes and even sandals.

Picture 2 of Falling in love with a Soviet spy, Albert Einstein revealed the secret of developing nuclear weapons

Margarita Konenkova in a portrait.

Einstein said of Margarita: 'That's what Margarita is: I want to sit by her side, hold her hand, look into her green eyes, and talk to her all my life. The husband trusts Margarita one hundred percent: such eyes cannot lie…'. Einstein seemed completely 'infatuated' with the Russian beauty: he sat quietly for hours beside her or spent hours telling her about his theory of relativity."

Margarita had this to say of Einstein: 'He was a surprisingly humble man who didn't like any carnival gatherings. Albert joked that he was famous only for his messy hair like a lion's mane. While Sergei Timofeevich Konenkov worked on the portrait, Einstein was always very animated, enthusiastically talking about his theory of relativity. I listened very carefully, but couldn't understand much. Anyway, the fact that I listened attentively was an encouragement, making him even more passionate about telling stories."

They quickly became close, and then love blossomed. It should be known that Margarita's love for Einstein was sincere and pure, but for the Soviet intelligence agency at that time, this was a golden opportunity. The superiors did not forbid or even encouraged this love affair, but at the same time, they also assigned Margarita a very important task: to extract information about the Manhattan atomic research program in which Einstein played an important role. .

The love affair with Margarita made Einstein, at the age of 56, feel as young and full as when he was young. The two were sneaking around with each other.

When the time to complete the statue was approaching, Albert Einstein was afraid of not being with his lover anymore, the two planned to lie that she was sick, had to stay in the US for treatment for a while and could not return to the Soviet Union right away. .

Even in order to be close to his lover, Einstein even wrote a letter to Konenkov that, in the opinion of a doctor friend of his, Margarita should regularly go to the Saranak Lake area to relax because there is a suitable climate there. with people with incurable diseases like her.

Few people know that in that area, Einstein owned a famous yacht and he also rented there a lovely house by the lake.

Einstein asked the leading American doctors at that time to secretly help prepare the medical record, Margarita had no difficulty in making her husband believe that she was ill and required long-term treatment, because her medical record had an official seal. knowledge of major hospitals.

And then Margarita's husband returned to the Soviet Union alone because of urgent work, leaving his beautiful 39-year-old wife in the United States to 'treat'.

Since then, the two have ended their secret dates with each other. They made their relationship public, their pent-up feelings for so long had the opportunity to ignite strongly. Not only that, Albert Einstein also designed a love 'nest' right at his workplace for random dates.

His letters to Margarita are like poems, and sometimes they are actually poems:

'I can't escape the circle of my family. This is our common misfortune. The high sky does not illuminate our future. His head buzzed like a beehive, his heart went dry. Come to Princeton with me, where peace and relaxation await. We'll read together Lev Tolstoy, and when I'm tired, I'll look up at you lovingly, and you'll see in me the shadow of God'.

They came up with a common name for the two: Almar , a combination of the first letters of the names Albert and Margarita. During their relationship, Margarita often washed Einstein's hair, and he always claimed that no one else could do it better than her.

Picture 3 of Falling in love with a Soviet spy, Albert Einstein revealed the secret of developing nuclear weapons
Margarita Konenkova and Albert Einstein.

But the information about the first atomic bomb in the US is an unforgettable Margarita mission, while time is increasingly pressing. The superiors couldn't wait, they urgently needed confidential documents on everything, the development of the atomic bomb, because this was the real reason that allowed Margarita to hang around Einstein.

The more urgent the situation is now, the more tightly Margarita is forced, in August 1945, when the two are dating, Einstein is on the cusp of love while Margarita is very worried. Einstein also noticed something was wrong with the woman he loved, hurriedly asked, and Margarita made no secret.

She went to Einstein, explained the reason, even told her true identity, that she wanted to sneak next to Einstein to get information. The lives of loved ones in the Soviet Union would be in serious danger. Seeing the woman he loved cry, and cry a lot, Einstein began to soften his heart without hearing a few words.

However, what no one expected was that Einstein was not only not angry but also very sympathetic to this woman, because Einstein was deeply involved in this relationship and could not leave the person he loved.

Unable to bear the sadness of his woman, and attaching great importance to the development of the atomic bomb, Einstein not only did not reveal Margarita's identity, but after a while of thinking, he finally met the Soviet envoy. .

After talking for a while about the development of the atomic bomb, Einstein finally transferred some relevant information about the development of the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. Four years later, in 1949, the Soviet Union also successfully tested the first developed atomic bomb.

With information about the atomic bomb appeared, Margarita's spy mission ended, to ensure safety, the Soviet Union arranged for Margarita to return home immediately, accompanied by a handsome bonus and a house. in contryside.

It was clear that the Soviet Union could do its own research, so why did they go to great lengths to get American secrets about the development of the atomic bomb? Einstein knew that the atomic bomb was a weapon of destruction, why did he decide to provide such top secret information to the Soviet Union?

In fact, Margarita's husband knew about his wife's relationship with Einstein, and despite completing the mission, she still had correspondence with Einstein when she returned to the Soviet Union. Perhaps in the ten years of this relationship, she fell deeply in love with the brilliant scientist.

If one wants to say why it took the Soviet Union so long to get the materials to make the atomic bomb, it must also be said that during World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union were on the surface an alliance against Germany, but the reality is that the United States built the "Manhattan Project" and started convening top scientists from around the world to develop the atomic bomb.

Einstein is one of many scientists who have experienced two world wars, the original purpose of these scientists was to develop weapons with extremely powerful lethality to maintain world peace. In fact, their original intentions were good, but after the atomic bomb was developed, the United States dropped two directly on Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The moment the nuclear bomb exploded, hundreds of thousands of lives were wiped out, which made it impossible for scientists to believe that the weapon they originally wanted to maintain world peace had turned into a lethal weapon. cause more human deaths.

At that time, only the US owned this technology in the world, which meant that a technology monopoly in the US would have terrible consequences. On the other hand, it also aimed to use the Soviet Union to check and balance America, after all, this world cannot be ruled by America alone in this way. After thinking for a while, Einstein finally decided to look at the general situation. Several documents related to the development of the atomic bomb were handed over to the Soviet Union.

In fact, Margarita was lucky because she met the right person and completed the task . The two spent 10 sweet years together, and finally the mission was completed successfully.

In 1955, the great physicist Einstein, her beloved lover, died. In 1971, the sculptor also passed away. In the last years of her life, the former female spy lived alone in loneliness, unknown to anyone, even being abused by her own maid. Margarita Konenkova, not knowing what else to do, stopped eating and in 1980 died of exhaustion.

Update 30 July 2022



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