Find the existence of scent 'true love'

Do you believe that by just sniffing, can we find our true love?

Do you believe that by just sniffing, can we find our true love?

In the animal world, pheromone is the answer. This special chemical is secreted by many species to attract mates during mating season. Even, pheromones become tools to communicate with each other like ants.

Picture 1 of Find the existence of scent 'true love'

He - an "expert" uses pheromones to find partners in the biological world.

What about humans, do we release pheromones in our body scents to find true love?

According to scientists, the answer is not entirely yes, but not entirely. Biologist Charles Wysocki works at Philadelphia's Monell Chemical Senses center, saying that although there is no official document to confirm this, body odor plays an important role to some extent. in our search for the other half of life.

Picture 2 of Find the existence of scent 'true love'

Not everyone is lucky enough to find their other half quickly and easily.

An experiment was conducted in Santa Monica in 2012 to test this view. Each participant will have to wear a white T-shirt to sleep for 3 days.

After that, these shirts are collected, numbered and colored symbols (blue for men, pink for women) and brought to a party. There, participants will be comfortable breathing, sniffing these shirts and choosing whether they are attracted to any scent. If you feel like it, male and female couples can chat, make friends and learn from each other at the party.

Picture 3 of Find the existence of scent 'true love'

The shirt that is soaked in body odor after 3 days can be a good base to choose the acquaintance.

As a result, the participants were very pleased with this way of dating. They said that if online dating would depend much on luck, with 'scent' parties, they felt more confident because they were all based on science.

Even Mark Iverson - a participant shared that he will not use perfume anymore because he feels more comfortable with the scent of his own body.

Picture 4 of Find the existence of scent 'true love'

Many people believe that new body odor is a tool to help them find love.

Of course, body odor does not help us communicate with each other like ants. But as an instinctive reaction, any child remembers and distinguishes his mother's peculiar smell. Any man who smells a woman's tears also has lower levels of testosterone in her body .

In other studies, people also proved that gay men love the smell of sweat of other guys, while the girls love the smell of sweat of the balanced faces, easy to see even though they have never met.

Picture 5 of Find the existence of scent 'true love'

In the future, it is very likely that producing pheromones for people like this will become extremely popular.

The cause of this phenomenon is complicated, mainly due to the control of the immune system of a number of genetic genes , called MHC . Specifically, when we smell the body odor of a different, subconscious object, our instincts will work to draw conclusions about the degree of harmony between you and the person with the smell.

Picture 6 of Find the existence of scent 'true love'

This conclusion is based on answering some questions like: 'Is the immune system good for the child later?', 'Does the subject have many good genes for the next generation?'. . Based on that, people can find their true lovers.

* The article expresses the views of Cari Romm, posted on the health section of The Atlantic.

Update 18 December 2018



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