Find the main difference between normal human brain and killer

A group of international neuroscientists conducted a large study, which clarified the main difference between the brains of ordinary people and murderers who have committed serious crimes.

A group of international neuroscientists conducted a large study, which clarified the main difference between the brains of ordinary people and murderers who have committed serious crimes.

For many years, scientists have been studying this question, trying to understand what makes a person commit murder.

Picture 1 of Find the main difference between normal human brain and killer

The killer has significantly less gray matter in the frontal lobe than other subjects.

With the help of new brain imaging technology, scientists were able to compare the brain activity of different people.

The theory is that the shape of the skull or brain activity image that can identify the offender is still unproven, so all studies are experimental.

The authors of the new study, led by Kent Kiehl, analyzed the brains of 808 prisoners convicted of violent acts of varying severity.

In the framework of research, experts divide crime into three groups: murderers, criminals who commit violent acts but do not kill people and those convicted of crimes with the use of violence to a minimum ( possession of drugs, prostitution, etc.).

After analyzing the brain activity of each prisoner, scientists compared these figures to the brains of ordinary people.

As a result, the killers have significantly less gray matter in the frontal and temporal lobe than other subjects. And participants in the second and third groups did not show differences in the brain.

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Update 28 July 2019



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