Fish oil controls mental disorders

A recent study found that taking 1 capsule of fish oil a day could prevent some neurological disorders in people at high risk.

Previous studies have shown that omega 3 in fish oil is very beneficial for the heart and can also combat dementia.

Picture 1 of Fish oil controls mental disorders New research published in Archives of General psychiatry says that fish oil supplementation reduces the risk of developing neurological disorders such as schizophrenia in people with weak or mental neurological symptoms mild schizophrenia.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil are believed to be able to prevent neurological diseases by modifying the brain's signal reception process.

Paul Amminger, who led the study, said: 'Treatment with a natural nutrient can prevent or at least delay the development of neurological disorders for us to hope that There may be alternative therapies for taking sedatives. "

Scientists conclude that taking fish oil supplements regularly has the same effect as sedation but has fewer side effects. So they hope that the use of fish oil supplements will soon replace the current regimen with tranquilizers.