Food groups needed during the day

To ensure a balanced, scientific diet, every time you go to the market, you need to list the list of foods to be purchased in the following 6 groups:

Picture 1 of Food groups needed during the day

Group 1: Starch food (rich in carbon hydrate group)

These foods are an indispensable part of every meal, snack and so need to buy a large amount. Please select some of the foods below:

- Bread made from whole grains

- Biscuits made from whole grains

- Sticky rice, white sticky rice and cam

- Potato

- Pumpkin

- Peas

- Wu

Group 2: Fruits and vegetables

5 servings of fresh or cold vegetables are the standard required every day. So these foods also need to be bought a lot:

- Fresh fruit

- Dried fruit jam (less amount)

- Fresh or frozen vegetables

- Fresh fruit juice (100% pure and without sugar)

You should choose seasonal fruits and vegetables. A fresh fruit serving is equivalent to 1 serving of pure sugar-free fruit juice (200ml).

When cooking foods in this group, choose the ones that can preserve the nutritional value such as steaming, boiling with a little water.

Group 3: Chicken, meat, milk, fish and eggs (protein-rich group)

Protein is essential for meals or snacks. However, only a small amount of starch is needed; Vegetables. A serving is usually equal to a fist or is as thick and wide as your hand.

Eat 2 meals a week, remove the skin 2-3 times / week, red meat 2-3 times / week.

- Oily fish (tuna, salmon, sardines)

- Chicken breast (no skin)

- Lean beef (tenderloin, butt, tenderloin .)

- Milk (2% fat, low fat or nonfat)

- Yogurt (2%, low fat or non-fat)

- Cheese (lettuce, moderate fat content)

- Eggs (if there is no cholesterol problem, one egg can be eaten per day, replacing meat / chicken / fish for 1 meal).

Group 4: Beans and soybeans

This group of food needs to eat at least 1-2 times / week. They are low in fat, provide fiber, rich in vegetable protein and are very economical.

- Green, red, black, white beans . dry or parked in half

- Lentils

- Soy sauce

Group 5: Oil and grease

Fat should be used really well. For margarine (margarine), choose low-fat or moderate-fat types.

To achieve maximum health benefits, only pure olive oil should be used for salads, absolutely not cooked.

If you want to eat a little less fat, you should use cooking cooking oil or pet cooking (one type of oil substitute that has anti-stick effect). It would be better to invest in a good non-stick pan and only heat it at moderate heat to prevent it from burning. With non-stick pans, you'll use less grease than traditional pans when cooking.

Check fat content in available sauces. Creamy sauces are usually fat, so choose tomato sauce.

Good fats include:

- Nuts (sunflower, sesame, peanuts .)

- Avocado

- Vegetable oil (grape seed oil, olive oil, canola oil, sesame oil, sunflower seed oil).

Group 6: Sweet foods (sugar)

Foods like sugar, confectionery, soft drinks, honey and syrup are all high in sugar and should be used sparingly. In your list of foods to buy, there should not be many of these foods.