Food is beneficial for women's health

Nutrition experts have studied and pointed out that a daily diet can prevent the risk of dangerous gynecological diseases.

1. Food contains a lot of iron

After giving birth or having a clean period, a woman's body often loses a certain amount of blood. Anemia can lead to a long-term decline in the functioning of the ovary, thereby affecting the fertility of women.

Therefore, supplementing foods containing iron such as animal liver, lean meat, spinach, cauliflower, mushrooms, celery, green beans . will help prevent anemia.

2. Hot milk adds honey

If you experience menstrual cramps, abdominal pain, discomfort during menstruation, drink a glass of hot milk with some honey in the evening before going to bed. In high-potassium milk, this mineral has a good effect in reducing pain, increasing the activity of endocrine gland hormones as well as preventing infection during menstruation.

In addition, the magnesium content of honey has a neurological inhibitory effect, helping you eliminate stress, anxiety and improve sleep when you have periods.

Picture 1 of Food is beneficial for women's health

Artwork: Flickr.

3. Magnesium-rich foods

Women in the middle and older ages, especially those who often work mentally, often have migraine disease.

To cope with this situation, regularly supplement your daily diet with magnesium-rich foods such as beans, bananas, seafood dishes . In addition, dishes made from fatty fish will help to function. of female sex hormones are stable, avoid migraine or other depression.

4. Soy products

Estrogen is an especially important sex hormone of the female body. Estrogen increases blood flow to the uterus, promotes contractions of the uterus, helps the uterus work better. Estrogen also actively supports the development of follicles and creates a favorable environment for conception.

When estrogen levels in a woman's body decrease, sexual function, reproduction are also disordered. And soy and soy products are a good source of minerals that help boost estrogen levels in women.

500ml of soymilk per day is an effective medicine that works well in enhancing the body's endocrine function.

5. Garlic

Garlic is known as the best natural antibiotic for health. This type of food contains a lot of allicin and sulfur active ingredients that are effective against bacteria without any other side effects.

Eating a lot of garlic will inhibit the proliferation and development of bacteria and fungi causing vaginal infections.

6. Cereals and seaweed

Studies have shown that raw cereal foods have a blood circulation effect, maintaining estrogen levels in the body, thereby reducing the risk of breast-related diseases.

Seaweed contains a lot of iodine, which stimulates the secretion of pituitary hormones, which helps reduce the risk of breast cancer.

7. Foods rich in calcium

The proof has shown that the body of calcium-deficient women will have 54% higher risk of ovarian cancer than other normal women.

Calcium plays an important role in controlling and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to supplementing calcium foods in daily meals such as milk and milk products, okra, soybeans, shrimp, fish, eggs . In older women, calcium intake need more, about 1,000mg / day.

8. Folic acid supplement

The lack of folic acid can lead to uterine diseases such as inflammation, cervical cancer . In addition, it can also cause defects in the nervous system for the fetus later.

Therefore, women should increase the intake of folic acid through foods such as animal liver, spinach, cabbage, cereals, eggs, soy .

It should be noted that folic acid will be destroyed and lost at high temperatures, so nutritionists recommend that when processing foods rich in folic acid, do not heat them for long periods and cooking temperatures too high.