Foods and medicines should not be taken at the same time

Taking antidepressant medication while eating bacon can cause blood pressure mutations and life-threatening danger. Taking analgesics containing acetaminophen after drinking alcohol is easy to cause liver and kidney diseases.

Food can make the medicines you are taking useless. It will be disastrous if you combine food and medicine incorrectly. Even if drugs are sold without prescription, your menu needs special attention. Here are the food combinations - especially dangerous drugs, that need to be avoided, following the advice of American pharmacists.

1. Citrus fruits and cough medicine

You may have heard, you should not drink grapefruit juice when taking some medicines, for example statins - a group of blood-lowering drugs. Lemon, grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, kumquat with the same family, they can block an enzyme that is capable of breaking statins and other drugs, including dextromethorphan for coughing, which then builds up in your blood, increases the risk of side effects.

Combining citrus fruits with dextromethorphan makes you hallucinate and sleepy; With statins, you may have serious muscle damage. The effects of these fruits on drugs can last for a day or longer, so it's best not to eat them while using statins or dextromethorphan. If you love drinking fruit smoothies, it's best to ask your pharmacist about their interaction with the medicine.

2. Dairy products and antibiotics

Picture 1 of Foods and medicines should not be taken at the same time

Some antibiotics, including Cipro, can clot with calcium, iron and other minerals in dairy foods. This combination reduces the body's ability to absorb the drug, reducing its effectiveness. When you receive a prescription to treat acne or infection, ask if the drug belongs to tetracycline or flouroquinolones. If so, avoid eating milk, yogurt, cheese . before and after taking the medicine for at least 2 hours. You should also ask your pharmacist about the appropriate time if you are taking multivitamins containing minerals. Because these vitamins as well as dairy products, can reduce the effectiveness of some antibiotics.

3. Bacon and antidepressants

Check your medicine label. If the drug belongs to monoamine oxidase inhibitor s, or MAOIs , is a group of substances that can inhibit the activity of monoamine oxidase enzyme with the names Marplan, Nardil, Emsam, or Parnate - when combined with acid-rich foods Ammonia tyramine can mutate in blood pressure, life-threatening. This list includes not only sausages, smoked salmon, but also red wine, sauerkraut, aged cheese, soy milk and draft beer. However, the good news is that canned or bottled beer may not hurt you and now, MAOIs have been largely replaced by newer generation antidepressants, those that do not respond. Similar to tyramine.

4. Chocolate and Ritalin

Ritalin is a medicine used to treat attention deficit disorders, increased attention deficit and daytime sleepiness.

In addition to containing caffeine, chocolate contains a stimulant called theobromine . Combining all stimulants in the human body can lead to abnormal behavior, even the possibility of seizures. So, you should extend the time between taking a pill and eating a chocolate dessert. You should also remember, the darker the chocolate is the more theobromine and caffeine.

5. Fruit juice and allergy medicine

You should drink apple, orange, grapefruit . at the time of taking Allegra (fexofenadine) at least 4 hours. The juice inhibits peptides (which are short-structured proteins that range from two to a few amino acids linked together) that transport drugs from the intestinal tract to the bloodstream. The combination of these juices with Allegra anti-allergy drugs makes the drug effective in preventing sneezing and runny nose by as much as 70%. Other drugs are also transported with the help of peptides, so do not drink these fruit juices when taking anti-allergy medicines such as Cipro or Levaquin, thyroid medications like Synthroid or medication allergies and asthma like Singulair.

6. Alcohol and acetaminophen

Acemotaphen is treated to relieve pain, reduce fever, headache, muscle aches, arthritis, toothache, colds. It is best to drink alcohol and take acetaminophen-containing medicine at least 6 hours apart, including drugs prescribed by a doctor or medication you buy yourself for pain, fever reduction. If you drink alcohol daily, you should not take acetaminophen. Their combination in the long term may cause kidney and liver diseases.