Found 5,600-year-old cat bones in Egypt

Six new skeletons of cats over 5,600 years old were discovered by archaeologists in a burial site in Egypt, suggesting that cats may have been domesticated here since ancient times.

Six new skeletons of cats over 5,600 years old were discovered by archaeologists in a burial site in Egypt, suggesting that cats may have been domesticated here since ancient times.

>>>Cats are domesticated since ancient times

According to Live Science, these cat skeletons were found in a cemetery in the city of Hierakonpolis (also known as Nekhen), the capital of ancient Egypt before the time of the pharaohs. 6 skeletons are found in a small hole about 50cm in diameter and nearly 25cm deep.

Picture 1 of Found 5,600-year-old cat bones in Egypt

Cat skeletons are found in Hierakonpolis, Egypt.(Photo: Hierakonpolis Expedition)

The team identified these skeletons as belonging to two adult cats and four kittens, who lived around 3,600-3,800 BC, 2,000 years before the first evidence was found to show that cats were tamed in Egypt.

Males and females mature more than one year old, kittens aged 4-5 months. Bone size indicates that they belong to Felis silvestris, often found in Africa, Europe and Central Asia. This is a breed of cat that can be domesticated into a domestic cat like today.

The research team at the Royal Royal Academy of Natural Sciences and the Catholic University of Leuven said the discovery of cat bones is thought to be quite rare, especially complete skeletons.

According to experts, burying cats together with the deceased can be a sacrificial ritual or religious ritual at this stage. Previous research has shown that, in the ancient Egyptian world, many animals were also mummified, wrapped in linen and put into small coffins, and considered to be sacrifices in religious ceremonies. teacher or embodiment of gods.

US researchers have identified domesticated cats in China 5,300 years ago.

Update 17 December 2018



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