Found the largest Viking ax ever

Imagine a Viking warrior with a bushy, 2-meter-tall hair, holding a giant ax screaming and rushing to battle .

Danish archaeologists have discovered one of the largest Viking axes ever found, buried inside the grave of an ancient "power couple" .

Although very large, but this ax has very few decorative motifs on it. From this we can deduce that the person using it is a mighty warrior, carrying that big ax sweeping on many fronts, not a big thing to make it easier to decorate.

Although it is unclear what the size of this ax is, the team claims it is very large and is forced to hold two hands: "It was great, bigger and heavier than all the other axes. At this size, it must have a long handle and must be used with two hands, " it was said by archaeologist Kirsten Nellemann Nielsen from the Solkeborg Museum in Denmark.

Picture 1 of Found the largest Viking ax ever
This ax has very few decorative motifs on it.

"Besides the buried warrior without any other things, he seems to be a mighty warrior when he is alive and wants the latter to remember the same when he is buried."

Archaeologist Nielsen did not mention the actual size of this Viking ax. But he recounted the process of finding this Viking grave. A "dead house" , a Viking cemetery was found in 2012. It is 4 meters wide, 13 meters long, contains three separate graves. They found these graves when cleaning up the area to build.

In the main grave of the "dead house" , the excavation team found that the body of a couple of men and women was said to be "power couples" , or that they were born with a right or influential lineage. great to the community at that time. Although they are not sure that this is a couple.

Archaeologists rely on a lot of evidence to confirm that these two people are both in power in the age they live in, such as tributes and traces of other things left for them, especially The woman's shirt has silver threads and she is buried with a key, a symbol of Viking status.

Picture 2 of Found the largest Viking ax ever
How to bury a Viking will tell you their status when they are alive.

"What is special is that the couple each has their own grave and are put together into a structure , " said archaeologist Nielsen. "I am not sure whether they are brothers or couples. But they are undoubtedly important figures of that time."

The man in the grave was buried with a giant ax, which needed both hands to use and was quite difficult to use. And perhaps the strongest point of this ax is to make the opponent tremble. Seeing a Viking warrior with a bushy beard and a giant ax rushing toward him, who is not afraid?

"The Europeans at that time were very afraid of this ax, the ax named Dane Ax - Danish ax as" six-barreled gun "of this era," Mr. Nielsen compared the scare of the ax to the war. modern.

Picture 3 of Found the largest Viking ax ever
The ax at another grave, about 15 cm long, is still smaller than the ax at the main grave.

Other axes buried together with the rest of the "dead houses" are much smaller than this giant's ax.

So far, Danish archaeologists have only found Viking traces in the burial sites but have not found a residential area.

It is very likely that it will soon change, because in April, researchers at the University of Alabama found traces of Viking settlements using satellite scanning technology. There is no further information about the research conducted in the area mentioned above, we may still have to wait more.