Funny jokes by Google

Google's software engineers sometimes think of "playing games" or introducing some funny entertainment games to bring relaxing moments to users.

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When visiting the search page on Easter (the first Sunday after March 21), users will be invited to play the run-back bunny to collect enough eggs with GOOGLE letters.

Picture 2 of Funny jokes by Google

Last April's Fish Day, the company introduced Google Paper service, allowing people to simply press a button that all messages in Gmail would be printed, sorted, boxed and shipped to their home. Even Google confirmed that the program will prevent deforestation for paper production to . print e-mail because the material that Google uses has "96% is saliva".

Picture 3 of Funny jokes by Google

The Google search engine has some special variants such as using the Klington language in Star Trek movies or serving those who seek information on Microsoft, Linux and BSD Unix.

Picture 4 of Funny jokes by Google

Users can "fly" in Google Earth by opening this service and pressing Ctrl-Alt-A. They will feel like sitting in the cockpit of F16 or SR22 aircraft.

Picture 5 of Funny jokes by Google

Google Calculator allows people to enter calculations (like 1999 x 1888 =) into the search box and Google will display the results. However, this software sometimes even includes letters, such as "answer to life the universe and everything", "number of horns on a unicorn", "once in a blue moon" .

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If you're using Google's Picasa photo editor, press Ctrl-Shift-Y repeatedly and Teddy bears will flood the screen.

Picture 7 of Funny jokes by Google

The Google MentalPlex service can predict what users are going to type in search commands by analyzing the 5 approved websites, their date of birth and the speed of mouse movement. However, this is just a joke from Google on April 1, 2000.

Picture 8 of Funny jokes by Google

Whenever opening the Spam section in Gmail, users can see a recipe for . new spam, such as Spam Quiche or Spam Tortilla Sandwich .