Genes help inhibit white fat formation

The latest study by the Austrian team discovered a gene called Hedgehog, which, when triggering the gene, could exert its effect on inhibiting the formation of white fat in the animal's body.

Picture 1 of Genes help inhibit white fat formation In the body of adult mammals exists white fat and brown fat. The main effect of white fat is to store fat, while brown fat has the opposite effect of converting fat into heat.

The team of scientists from the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Salzburg after conducting a study of a large number of detected animal genes, the gene plays a negligible role in interfering with fat formation. In the animal body, in which Hedgehog gene can impact the fat organization of adult animals.

Whereas previous studies have suggested that this gene only promotes the important effects of embryonic maturation.

Through mouse experiments, the team of scientists discovered the Hedgehog gene can successfully inhibit the growth of white fat even in the process of brown fat is still working normally.

According to scientists, in the future it is hoped to be possible through enhancing the flexibility of the Hedgehog gene in the human body to inhibit the formation of white fat thereby helping to cure obesity.