New drugs help inhibit blood clots formation

German scientists said on March 23 that they have found a new drug that can inhibit the formation of blood clots and not affect blood clotting.

Picture 1 of New drugs help inhibit blood clots formation This new drug opens new hope for improving cardiovascular treatment.

So far the treatment of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, heart attack is often inhibiting the formation of blood clots, thus affecting the function of blood clotting of the body, and can cause The patient suffers from symptoms like a wound without bleeding.

However, the new drug, led by German scientists, is researched by Professor Bernhard Nieswandt of the University of Wurzburg.

First, the scientists took out the protein Infestin-4 from the body of the blood parasite Triatoma infestans. Then mix Infestin-4 protein with human protein to create new material called rHA-Infestin-4.

Experimental results in animals show that this new material can inhibit blood clots formation without affecting the blood clotting function of the body.

The next step is for scientists to conduct clinical trials of this new drug.