A new study from Duke University has discovered a gene

The latest study by Austrian scientists found that a gene called Hedgehog could exert its effect on inhibiting the formation of white fat in animals.

Fat accumulation causes obesity called white fat, but the second form of fat (brown fat) can be used to treat obesity.

The sticker consists of many tiny needles with nanoparticles containing drugs at the tip of the needle. These nanoparticles can penetrate the skin to disperse throughout the body.

Scientists at Australia's Monash University have looked at the process of white fat transfer - which is a place of energy storage - to brown fat used to burn energy and radiate

What will you think of first when it comes to copper? It is a metal of ancient civilizations, once popular for making tools, jewelry weapons and coinage.

Contains a lot of vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids, fish are thought to be a food that protects heart and brain health, but in a study conducted by Japanese scientists, it can also

Dana-Farber Institute of Medicine scientists (USA) have found that in brown body fat brown and white fat also has another type of light pinkish brown (often called beige).

This will mean that you can lose weight in a very natural and safe way because you do not use medicine.