German scientist found a way to turn air conditioning into a CO2 vacuum, preventing the Earth from heating up

Air conditioning is one of the reasons that contribute to climate change, which is unquestionable. However, scientists are considering turning air conditioning into a device against climate change.

There have been many studies showing that air conditioning is one of the culprits causing global warming. However, according to a new finding by three German scientists, we can completely change the function of regulation and make it an effective tool to combat climate change.

Picture 1 of German scientist found a way to turn air conditioning into a CO2 vacuum, preventing the Earth from heating up
Air conditioning is one of the culprits causing global warming.

Titled "Crowd oil not crude oil" , the research topic of three German scientists was published in the recent Nature magazine. According to Popular Mechanics , research aims to find solutions to address the negative problems of air conditioning.

According to the International Energy Agency, there are an estimated 1.6 billion air conditioners on Earth. This figure is expected to increase to 5.6 billion units by 2050. Thus, the air-conditioned greenhouse gas emissions will increase from 1.25 billion tons in 2016 to 2.28 billion tons in the middle. this century.

The reason for air conditioning can contribute to increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming is caused by chemicals called hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) , an organic compound containing fluorine and hydrogen atoms, used for cooling. Although it has been confirmed that it does not degrade the ozone layer, saving energy and being affordable, this gas is 1000 times more toxic than CO 2 .

Not to mention, the heat emanating from the heat of the air conditioner also made the Earth's atmosphere more oppressive due to the layer of CO 2 blocking the upper layer of the Earth, preventing heat from escaping. The hotter and hotter the weather, the more people buy air conditioners and it becomes an endless loop.

Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew once called reconciliation "one of the most remarkable inventions in history". It is because air conditioning helps improve productivity and learning for all citizens in tropical countries. However, air conditioning is also inadvertently a danger no less from industry emissions, forest fires, .

Picture 2 of German scientist found a way to turn air conditioning into a CO2 vacuum, preventing the Earth from heating up
The German scientists turned the air conditioner into a handy tool to absorb greenhouse gases and cool them.

It is with conditioning using old technologies. According to Roland Dittmeyer, an engineer at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany and the lead author of the study, came up with a new idea, which is to improve air conditioning, making it a tool to absorb greenhouse gases and handy cooling.

Dittmeyer writes: "Imagine an electric air-conditioning system in your home, apartment or office. Besides cooling and heating, it can also be used to collect carbon dioxide and water from Imagine, you can get water and CO 2 , and then convert it into renewable hydrocarbon fuel with existing technology, thereby creating an important energy source. "

When the air passes through the air conditioner, a filter can capture all of the CO 2 that gets inside, thereby limiting the amount of CO 2 emissions in the atmosphere. Above all, this CO2 is also used for fuel production.

However, the biggest obstacle to this technology is that the amount of CO2 in the air near the ground is not much . An example cited by the research team is the number of air conditioners installed on MesseTurm, Frankfurt, Germany. With a density of CO2 in air air of 400ppm, the air conditioner can only absorb from 0.75 to 1.5 tons of CO2 per hour.

Picture 3 of German scientist found a way to turn air conditioning into a CO2 vacuum, preventing the Earth from heating up
This technology is applicable everywhere.

In order to make the most of the CO2-extraction function of regulators in the future, we will need to build giant hydrocarbon reservoirs.

Of course, this technology can be applied everywhere, regardless of large space or small population size. The study conducted an assessment of the extent to which this technology was active in Vauban, a suburban area in Germany and found 365 buildings in Vauban that could produce about 200 kg of CO2 per hour.

Currently around the world, politicians are calling on industry to find solutions to climate change and global warming soon. Although the power of CO 2 recovery of the air conditioner may not be equal to the forest or the sea, it will certainly be a huge number if taking into account the new number of regulators, it keeps increasing year by year.

Dittmeyer hopes to soon prove his research and his colleagues can bring positive change on a global scale.