Ghost sharks were first recorded at a depth of 2,000m

The strange-looking fish with a retractable sexual organ was first discovered in the northern hemisphere.

Although ghost sharks swim deep in the sea before the dinosaurs, scientists know very little about them. The video is published by Monterey Bay Marine Research Institute (MBARI) in California, USA, providing new insights into this mysterious creature, National Geographic reported yesterday.

Ghost sharks , also known as chimaera , are rare blind fish with winged fins . Having relatives with sharks and rays, ghost sharks separated from these genera 300 million years ago.

Picture 1 of Ghost sharks were first recorded at a depth of 2,000m
Ghost sharks exist on Earth before dinosaurs.(Photo: MBARI).

In 2009, MBARI brought the remote vehicle (ROV) to the deep waters of 2,042m in California and Hawaii. According to Dave Ebert, director of the Pacific Shark Research Center at Moss Landing Marine Laboratory, a fish is constantly swimming in front of the camera of the ROV device that looks like a new ghost shark.

Experts on chimaera analyze images in videos and conclude that animals belong to the spearhead green chimaera (Hydrolagus trolli), which often appear near Australia and New Zealand. Experts publish analysis results at Marine Biodiversity Records.

The video marks the first time a spearhead green chimaera was recorded in the natural environment of the Northern Hemisphere. However, the team still needs to collect DNA samples to make sure.

The rugged rock scene in the video shows spearhead green chimaera like this environment more than flat seabed terrain that other ghost sharks often live in, Ebert said.

Unlike many other famous sharks, ghost sharks do not have jagged teeth but chew on foods like molluscs and insects with mineralized dentures. The lateral line canal (lateral line canal) contains sensory cells that allow animals to perceive movement in the water and locate the prey. Male ghost sharks have sexual organs that can contract on the forehead.