Glorious glows around the Sun.

The moment the ice crystal floats in the air creating a halo effect around the Sun that enters the photographer's lens in the Alps.

The moment the ice crystal floats in the air creating a halo effect around the Sun that enters the photographer's lens in the Alps.

Picture 1 of Glorious glows around the Sun.

Ice aura in the Alps.(Photo: Fox News).

Photographer Michael Schneider witnessed the ice halo forming at the top of Mount Hörnligrat while skiing in the Alps on December 25. Schneider captured the scene on the phone and shared it on his personal page.

"I quickly realized that the halo was gradually forming, at first the phenomenon was difficult to see until the light intensified. I was fascinated by the two circles surrounding the Sun and many reflected rays , " Schneider said. know.

As the Sun rises and the fog clears, ice circles become clear, surrounding the Sun and the edge of the mountain. Geophysicist Mika McKinnon said the phenomenon formed when tiny ice crystals were floating in the sky.

"Ice crystals are very high above the cirrus clouds or closer to the ground in the form of diamond dust or ice fog. Similar to rainwater scattering light into a rainbow, ice crystals can reflect and refract. light, acting as a mirror or prism depending on the shape of the crystal and the angle of light, " McKinnon explained.

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Update 15 January 2020



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