Good news for people who want to quit smoking

It is the latest pharmaceutical product called Champix to treat smoking cessation effectively. Champix has just been licensed by the European Commission and circulated. This is good news for those who really want to quit smoking.

Picture 1 of Good news for people who want to quit smoking

Every 8 seconds a person must permanently leave as a result of tobacco (Bild)

Cigarette smoke dilutes the air and pollutes the environment that has led some governments to issue a ban on smoking in offices and restaurants. The unfriendly eyes from non-smokers, horrifying information about cancer and impotence in men are related to tobacco.

Starting in 2007, the new drug used for smoking cessation will be available in the European market. According to Michael Berelowitz, a member of the Pfizer Pharmaceutical Group in the United States, "Tobacco addicts will not be able to give up because their bodies need Nicotine supplements and they are hard to resist when craving But Champix works to reduce the smoking needs of smokers ".

Statistics have shown that the harmful effects of tobacco are too serious. Every 8 seconds a person must permanently leave as a result of tobacco.

A study of 4,000 smokers demonstrated that Champix gives them four times more chance to break tobacco than current methods such as using Nicotine tape or acupuncture. . Those who were treated with this new drug for 12 weeks and followed by 40 weeks of follow-up without Champix gave the following results: After one year of treatment, 1 in 5 people did not care for the drug. leaves.

The principle of this new drug is completely different from traditional smoking cessation treatments. While adhesives only work to limit the need for nicotine and gradually reduce the patient's need for cigarettes, Champix has a direct effect on the brain. Vareniclin hormones in Champix will stimulate the production of nicotine in cells. Thereby the human body will emit a signal that is exactly the same as smoking a cigarette.

Features of Champix: Vareniclin hormones prolong the production of Nicotine. Therefore, sometimes smoking a cigarette during withdrawal does not affect the results of treatment.

This is good news for those who want to break up with cigarette smoke to protect their health

Le Quan