Nutrition for people who want to quit smoking

Every few hours during the first days of quitting, people who quit smoking need light meals, less starch to maintain blood sugar for the entire morning .

Irritability is the most common condition in the middle of the morning in the early days of your determination, when you always feel restless because your body sees ' lack of ' nicotine, and is accompanied by Blood sugar levels have dropped to low levels.

Many drug addicts often skip breakfast, thus reducing blood sugar levels significantly. Therefore, those who want to quit smoking need to eat many snacks with slow absorbing sugars, such as a slice of bread made from synthetic grain, or a bowl of mixed cereal.

Picture 1 of Nutrition for people who want to quit smoking Every few hours during the first days of quitting, people who quit smoking need light meals, less starch to maintain blood sugar levels for the entire morning. And the appropriate items are dried apricots, apples, pears, low-fat yogurt, oat cakes.

In addition, some other dishes such as turkey, chicken, pork, pinto beans, red beans, peanuts, mackerel, sac-din fish are also suitable. Because they are all rich in tryptophan, an amino acid necessary for the synthesis of serotonin, a substance secreted by the brain that affects people's moods: sad, happy, angry .

People who initially quit often feel sleepy at noon, because they are awake before, because of the stimulation of nicotine. So at lunch, you should use plenty of protein rich foods because they can maintain alertness. Some suitable items such as lean meat, fish, eggs and beans.

Chewing gum (rich in rich sugars) is also very helpful.

At night, the lack of nicotine works exactly the opposite, because it stimulates your brain. About 25% of quitters often find it difficult to sleep at night. At such times, a cup of hot milk helps ease the brain's stress. And chamomile tea also has the same effect.

Those who are trying to quit should also quit the habit of taking caffeine-rich drinks about 4 hours before going to bed.

Nicotine works to maintain or lose weight, because they inhibit your appetite (by reducing the amount of hormones that produce hunger feeling called neuropeptide Y), but it also increases slowly the rate of metabolism: each When you smoke a cigarette, your metabolic rate will increase by about 7% in about 30 minutes.

So you have to resist the feeling of hunger and appetite, because you always feel 'your hands need to hold something', and need to find ways to burn more energy. A low-calorie meal and more physical activity will also be effective for those who want to quit smoking.

Manh Duc