Google's new move in Vietnam

Vietnam Businesses (DN) will save at least 200 USD / year if there is a policy of using free Vietnamese Google Apps service.

Google has many times made it difficult for rivals Yahoo !, MSN, using its unique features. In Vietnam, Google has a really different flag, providing free emails to companies and businesses that own domain names. Will all businesses use this free service?


Not long ago, Google announced that it had supported Vietnamese in its Google Apps suite. This is good news not only for personal users but also for businesses. The Google Apps suite is a collection of applications for office and collaboration needs, such as email, work scheduling, editor, messaging . In an enterprise, email is the required media to create interactions in and out. Naturally, businesses have to pay for this communication service. But now Google Apps Gmail gives them a new option.

In fact, Vietnamese enterprises now have two ways to invest in the company's email service. Either rent a server for email service or use an offline email service. Both have to pay a monthly fee. For example, businesses use offline email services, each email account is 30MB in size and enterprises have 100 email accounts, they must pay an average of 300 USD / year (the price of Mat Bao company).

For individual users, Google offers a free mail box, at this time more than 4GB. Similarly, Gmail in Google Apps is also more than 4GB although official external information is only 2GB and also 100 accounts. More specifically, there is no need to get @, but @ (or @ / ). Thus, compared to the most economical service is offline mail, Gmail in Google Apps still saves more than 200 USD / year. Please add that, in order to use Google Apps, businesses must buy a domain name (from 10 - 35 USD / year).

Currently many individuals, businesses, even television stations, use free Gmail types without domain names (everyone can register) as a means of communication with customers and partners. But this approach does not solve the two most basic problems of the system, namely the name and style of the email name of the enterprise. Gmail in Google Apps meets both of these issues, simply speaking, meeting the communication needs of corporate mail.

The cost

Picture 1 of Google's new move in Vietnam So what's the difference between Gmail in Google Apps and paid mail service? The answer is information control. Under the terms of the agreement to use Google Apps services, users are forced to accept certain terms such as allowing Google to search for keywords in the user's email. And actually users no longer own their information assets and that is the price to pay. Failure to master information assets is a problem for users who encounter when using any free communication service. Users, especially businesses, should carefully study the regulations on free use of service providers to decide on their services !!

That is not to mention the performance and support of the service. Currently, Google Apps Gmail is in beta and free email service has not been officially announced. Therefore, Google has very little responsibility and user support. For example, the issue of ensuring the continuity of the service, the security of information in the mail box has not been found when using the Gmail service of Google Apps.

Suppose that Gmail of Google Apps is used by many businesses, then domestic mail service providers continue to exist? Actually, both coexist to meet each of their objects. And the emergence of Gmail Apps is the driving force for the emergence of more value-added services for paid mail services.

In order to continue to exist, companies that provide email means do not simply increase their capacity but also create new convenience and benefits for paying users such as sending large volumes of attachments. or better anti-spam . Meanwhile, Google Apps Gmail is suitable for companies that use email for normal content, do not place heavy emphasis on information security or cost-saving policies application. Google Apps' decision to use a free or paid service depends heavily on the needs of businesses.

New position

Currently, the number of Yahoo! and MSN is very big, the number is up to several hundred million people. This is the fertile business environment of media corporations. Previously Google emerged with a free search service. But then, Google started looking at Yahoo !, MSN. At that time, users of Yahoo !, or MSN can only own a mail box of 3-5MB.

To 'shock' Google announced that it will provide a free personal email service of 1GB capacity - which is too imaginative for users at the time. That statement also really touched two Yahoo! and MSN of Microsoft, because after that "rumor", both promised that users' mailboxes will increase storage capacity. Yahoo! and MSN was forced to do so to retain their users.

Not yet targeted to entice email users, Google launched Google Talk again so that Gmail users can message online like Yahoo! or MSN. In the end, both Yahoo! and MSN has to work together to fight against Google's growth. Now Yahoo Messenger users can also chat with friends using MSN Messenger.

In the battle for users of both sides (one side is Google and the other is the Yahoo! MSN alliance), Yahoo! running out of space because Yahoo! not limited to users. Now, both begin to give favor to the national level, including Vietnam. Specifically, just recently, Yahoo! Support the Vietnamese Internet community with Yahoo! Internet cafes. Google also launched Vietnamized Google Apps.

This is a truly remarkable step for Google, using its advantages to provide email on 4GB and powerful email server capabilities to capture the need to use corporate mail as well as Vietnamese mail users. . Both Google and Yahoo! is compared in Vietnam. Who will win the number of users in Vietnam?

For Vietnamese users, 'who wins who' between Google and Yahoo! maybe not very important. But, it is also good news: Vietnam market is big enough for global IT corporations to take serious look and efforts.