Search - Replace - Quick move

Do you have a text but get it wrong with a typo in many different locations, you want to fix it without losing too much time searching and not being missed? Network Administrator will help you do so easily and you can quickly move to a certain location on a text file without using a scroll bar or mouse to search.

v                 Want to search for words, words in the file

  1. Go to Edit Find . (Ctrl + F)

    Đ        The Find and Replace dialog box appears

    Picture 1 of Search - Replace - Quick move


  1. Enter the search term in the box (for example, the word 'search')
  2. Select the Find Next button (or press the enter key): If the text file content has the word 'search' every time you enter, it will show you the result that the word 'search' is blacked out, after searching all The file " Search in word file has been completed " will appear.

    Picture 2 of Search - Replace - Quick move


  1. If the search word is not included in the file content, the message ' Search in word file completed. No one was found '.

    Picture 3 of Search - Replace - Quick move


v                 Want to replace words in the text file content

  1. Go to Edit Replace . (Ctrl + H)

    Đ        The Find and Replace dialog box appears

    Picture 4 of Search - Replace - Quick move


  1. Enter the words to search for in the Find what box
    Enter the word to replace in the Replace with box
  2. Choose Replece to find and replace each word
    Select Replace All to replace the entire text
    Select Find Next just to find words
  3. After searching and replacing all files in the file, the message " Search in word file has been completed " will appear.


  1. If the search word to replace is not in the content of the file, the message ' Search in word file completed. No one was found '.


  1. Note: In the process of replacing words if you replace the entire text with the Replace All button, you need to make sure that the word in the entire text is replaced by new words.

v                 Move quickly to the required locations

  1. Go to Edit Go to . (Ctrl + G)

    Đ        The Find and Replace dialog box appears

    Picture 5 of Search - Replace - Quick move


2. Select the object to move:

Page: Page number

Line: Line number

Comment: Number of notes

Table: Number of tables

Heading: The format number of the heading is heading


3. Enter the number to move to (in the example above the image is a quick move to page 14)

4. Select Go to button (or press Enter)

5. The results will open for you to the right position.

6. Press the Ecs key or Close button to return to the working word screen.