Guess the age and future story by ... urine

A urine test can help you know if you are younger, age faster or slower, and diseases will be in the future.

In the article just published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, scientists from the International Laboratory of Gerontology - Beijing Hospital and the National Geriatric Center (China) said that a definite one was identified. Special chemicals in urine.

Picture 1 of Guess the age and future story by ... urine
The urine test will be "miraculous" by new chemicals found by Chinese scientists - (photo: LIVE SCIENCE).

This chemical is called 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanosine , a byproduct of long-term damage to RNA. This is a type of molecule that interacts with DNA and affects gene expression as well as making proteins in the core of most cells.

Analyzing it will help scientists grasp the aging process of the person as accurately determining the biological age - the age of the body, may be small or greater than the actual age.

Reconciling the biological age with real age also helps to predict in a few years, how many years will you look, healthy or weak, thanks to the calculation of the body's aging rate.

In addition, this substance also helps determine the risk of developing arthritis, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's and some other age-related diseases, long before they have the first signs.

Thanks to this finding, scientists may be like prophets, not afraid to claim that a 50-year-old black-haired woman will soon fall into ill health than her 70-year-old silver-haired mother.

According to Dr. Jian-Ping, the lead author of the study, his team also developed a device that can test more than 10 urine samples per hour. He also hopes that research will soon be applied in practice.