Hacker offers a tool to exploit WMF errors of Windows

Picture 1 of Hacker offers a tool to exploit WMF errors of Windows The bad luck for Microsoft as early as the new year 2006 appeared on the network of Windows WMF unpatched security vulnerabilities .

Security software Panda Software said that certain high-profile hackers have focused on the successful development of WMFMaker, which has the potential to deliver "good" malicious code to a patched WMF security vulnerability. With this tool, anyone can get into a remote system with all kinds of viruses, trojans, spyware . without the owners knowing.

This destructive toolkit is designed to be used with the command line mode, including a full set of instructions for enabling WMF files that can inject malicious code into the user's machine. The tool also provides the attacker with a file called evil.wmf that is used to attack Windows.

While Microsoft has just provided some general advice to help users temporarily avoid this security error, the reputable security expert Ilfak Guilfanov successfully patched the WMF bug. The patching tool of Ilfak Guilfanov was tested and validated by the SANS Internet Research Institute.

Windows users should speed up here or here to download the patch of Ilfak Guilfanov for use.