Error hunting tool in Windows Vista

Picture 1 of Error hunting tool in Windows Vista Microsoft has just introduced a software that can quickly identify problems when a third-party application works with a feature that restricts the priority of the next-generation operating system .

LUA Buglight tool is designed to identify errors in Least User Access security feature (LUA - Access with the least permissions).

LUA minimizes the user's priority to improve Windows security, because a dangerous program when finding a path to a PC with a standard usage mechanism will not cause as much damage as when it penetrates. system according to administrator mode.

" LUA Buglight is a new software, designed with the aim of finding LUA's bug every time a user runs different applications ," a Microsoft representative said. " With the news, the vulnerability will be quickly reviewed and corrected ."

The original software for IT professionals needs to identify and fix errors that appear in third-party applications. However, it is now also used as a LUA error detection tool when running a specific program.

This week, Microsoft also said it would remove the Avalon graphics driver in Windows Vista's core to increase operating system reliability. This conversion makes the Windows program more and more like Unix and Linux.