Harm of chemicals on 5 parts of the body

Researchers say that the chemicals that affect sex are increasingly popular but they are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many other chemicals that affect the human body every day.

Picture 1 of Harm of chemicals on 5 parts of the body

1. The brain

Autism: Organophosphates are found in many pesticides and increase the risk of autism. A study in Molecular Pssychiatry has identified three gene mutations that can cause nerve damage and the culprit are organophosphates. And if exposure to this 'redundant' body of this substance will increase the risk of autism.

Delayed development: Some other nerve agents (harmful to the brain) are mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and these two substances are found in seafood. Children who eat a lot of fish containing this substance will have lower IQs and are more difficult to concentrate.

It was originally thought to be abundant in large fish such as mackerel, maclin, shark and swordfish, but in fact, these substances are also found in sea bream, sea bass ( sea ​​bass), flounder, rock salmon and brown crab meat.

The Food Standards Organization advises newborns and women to limit their intake of fish oil because these toxins accumulate in fat and the general advice is to drink only twice a week.

2. Tim

Arterial occlusion: studies show that polluted air contributes to heart disease.

A study in the United States showed that people with PM2.5 index, substances found in car smoke, are at increased risk of atherosclerosis, the cause of heart disease.

These substances are also found in houses around which they are being built but you can reduce this toxic by vacuuming regularly.

Heart disease: according to researchers at Bisphenol A Y Peninsula (UK) School (BPA), ingredients used in the production of beverage packaging and plastic food, increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Look at the symbols on plastic bottles. If you see a triangle with the number 7 in it, then the object has the presence of BPAs.

3. Chest

Cancer: some studies indicate the association between breast cancer and phthalates - a hormone-like prosthesis that is quite popular in soft and aromatic stabilizers.

Although the plastics industry claims it is safe, in 2005, the EU banned it in children's toys. However, phthalate is still widely used in the manufacture of shoes, shower screens, plastic furniture, floor mats and many other household items.

In addition to phthalates, deodorants are also controversial. Some small studies show that parabens and aluminum in breast tissue cells (both of which are in deodorants) are capable of mimicking human estrogen hormones, associated with some types of melanoma. However, some broad-spectrum studies show that there is no evidence that these substances cause cancer.

4. Reproductive organs

Infertility: Armchairs, TVs, laptops or carpets can all contain flame retardant PBDEs. Researchers at the University of California measured PBDE levels in 200 women's blood samples and found that women with the highest concentration of blood samples were more likely to conceive.

5. Chestnut skin

Dermatitis : Sodium lauryl sulphate, a foam used in toothpaste, shampoo, cosmetics and skin products, can cause cancer, but this view has been dismissed by the American Cancer Society.

However, some studies indicate that it can irritate the skin and cause contact dermatitis.