Health crocodile jaw like?
Perhaps everyone knows that alligators are animals with hardened steel-like jaws
Which one does it, but is it really hard and strong? To find an answer to this question, scientist Don Ashley and colleagues from Tallahassee University, Florida (USA) conducted a fairly specific calculation of the bite force of alligators.
To get this result, experts have to do a pretty dangerous experiment. They designed a special force gauge with the shape and color of a piece of fresh meat and put it into the mouth of 60 crocodiles of different sizes.
The experiment lasted for a week, when people had to stop each crocodile in a separate place, then find ways to anger them so they could bite with all their might. The result was determined to be crocodiles when biting something often with a force almost equal to their body weight. For example, with a crocodile about 3.5 meters long, weighing 1.050kg can bite with a force equivalent to . 1 ton!
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