Heart disease 3,500 years ago

Cardiovascular disease is not only present in the time when rampant fast food and lazy lifestyle are present.

Researchers at the Central American Heart Center in Kansas City have discovered that many mummies around 3,500 years old also show signs of cardiovascular disease.

Picture 1 of Heart disease 3,500 years ago

Photo: NYtimes.

The expert team conducted CT scans for 22 mummies carefully preserved at the Egyptian National Museum in Cairo. They were mummies from 1981 BC to 334 AD, with half of the people over 45 years of age when they died (then the average life expectancy was below 50).

Scientists have found certain signs or may have arteriosclerosis in 9 mummies. The oldest mummy discovered with heart attack symptoms is Lady Rai, the nanny of Queen Ahmose Nefertari, who died around 1530 BC.