Hemp prevents metastatic breast cancer

According to Dailymail, the compound called cannabidiol has the ability to "turn off" genes responsible for controlling breast cancer metastasis.

Picture 1 of Hemp prevents metastatic breast cancer

According to the researchers, when the cannabidiol compound comes into contact with cancer cells, they find that cells not only stop progressing but also return to a healthy state.

The group of scientists from the California Pacific Medical Center (USA) first discovered its potential five years ago, after seeing it stop the proliferation of human breast cancer cells. in the laboratory.

Dr Sean McAllister said: 'After 5 years of pre-clinical testing, this compound shows that it has no toxicity'.

And Dr. Pierre Desprez said: 'We have developed experimental models in humans and hope it will be effectively combined with the current chemotherapy method'.

Earlier, Professor Desprez found a protein called ID-1 that plays a role in causing widespread breast cancer. Meanwhile, Dr. McAllister discovered that cannabidiol has this function.

Reference: Daily Mail