Horror discovered maggots in favor of girls

The dentist examined a swollen baby girl, horrified to find up to 15 living maggots in her mouth.

>> Thousands of worms in the stomach of a 16-month-old girl

Catching 15 maggots to drive the gums in girls' gums

Ana Cardoso, 10, was taken to a hospital in the Brazilian capital Brasilia after complaining about the tingling sensation in gums and the things moving in it.

Ana's mother, Adriana, 35, said: " For several days in a row, she kept saying he felt something crawling around his mouth. At first I thought she was joking. I didn't see anything unusual. and she didn't seem to be in pain either, but after that, things started to get worse, no matter how much we tried to brush her teeth, she still felt something. I understand my daughter, she is not the type to talk and lie, so I decided to take her to see the dentist. "

At the hospital, Ana was diagnosed with a rare form of mouthworm. This is a type of maggot infection - larvae in the adult stage of flies, humans and animals.

" I couldn't believe it when the doctors announced, my daughter got sick and started dragging maggots out of her favor. I think I'm going to get sick," Cardoso said.

The dental clinic representative announced, there are a total of 15 maggots in the mouth of the elementary school girl . Therefore, they recorded the process of eliminating these parasites to keep records, as this is a rare case. They also want to provide evidence for Ana's family to know what happened and warn others.

According to experts, flies' larvae can grow on living or dead tissue, body fluids or digested food of the host. When these parasites enter the tissues of the oral cavity, they cause maggots.

Subjects at risk of this rare disease are often poor people, poor sanitation conditions or those injured on the face.

Maggot infections are also more common in warmer climates. If this disease occurs in the nose and ears it will be very dangerous because maggots can invade the brain, causing death rates as high as 8% in cases like this.