How to catch maggots nest in the eyes of the Mongols

A scientist in the process of searching for the tomb of Genghis Khan in Mongolia was nestled by maggots in his eyes and was treated by a native man with goat meat.

Method of catching maggots in the eyes of the Mongols

Picture 1 of How to catch maggots nest in the eyes of the Mongols
Simulate the scene of maggots crawling from the eyes.(Photo: NG).

According to IB Times, Albert Lin, a scientist from National Geographic, recounted the healing story at the end of September. At that time, Lin went to Mongolia to find the tomb of Genghis Khan when a colleague suddenly became swollen.

When pulling out their eyelids, they saw maggots nesting in his eyes . Fortunately, a Mongolian colleague quickly used the experience of indigenous nomads to heal.

"My colleague said loudly" I have this here ", then took a piece of goat meat on his eyes, the meat was still full of blood, so it was really effective. There are 7 children, " Lin said.

"Flies that lay eggs in the eyes form maggots that frequently occur in Mongolia, so people here have found a simple treatment for this problem," Lin said.

Lin's team is participating in the archaeological project of Valley of Khan (king in Mongolian), working in Ikh Khorig region. This is considered a "forbidden area" that needs to preserve the status quo, so the team must use non-invasive techniques to search the tomb of Genghis Khan.