Hot sun raises the risk of scalp fungus

The disease not only causes pruritus, exfoliating, hair loss, which affects heavily on aesthetics but also affects the quality of life of patients.

Scalp fungus is a common form of skin disease in both men and women. The disease not only causes pruritus, exfoliating, hair loss, which affects heavily on aesthetics but also affects the quality of life of patients.

Especially, the disease is easy to confuse because the damage on the scalp has many types such as light, psoriasis, horny . and there are many types of fungi that cause disease. In fact, many cases of scalp fungus, including children treated by folk parents, have a severe inflammation of the scalp, hair loss and permanent scarring.

How is the disease spread?

Tinea is a fungal infection of the scalp and hair shaft. Often arising due to poor personal hygiene conditions, not clean, or lazy to clean the scalp also create an environment for fungal growth, when sweat secreted in combination with dead skin cells will make the scalp become It is convenient for the fungus to cause disease, so it is necessary to limit the hair to be too dirty or because the patient has a bad habit to let the hair go to sleep.

Dirty water contains pathogens that cause disease if regular shampooing will also cause illness. On the other hand, scalp fungi can also be transmitted from animals (some animals such as dogs, cats, chickens, horses .) can become infected with the fungus and infect humans through the objects they each contact.

It is worth noting that, fungal scalp infection can be spread from one person to another due to common things such as hats, towels, wearing clothes, sharing blankets . Mushrooms can persist in the appliance. infection. The disease is spread directly through the skin, usually indirectly through the sharing of combs, hats, pillows . with people who are sick.

Picture 1 of Hot sun raises the risk of scalp fungus

Damage caused by scalp fungus.

Easily missed and confused

Common symptoms are those with scalp itch, scaly and hair loss patches. The cause of the disease is usually caused by silk-fiber fungi such as Microsporum canis and Trichophyton tonsurans.

Many patients in the early stages appear dandruff so many people are subjective. By the time the symptoms of itching appear, the redhead scalp, even hair loss, will come to a medical facility for examination. Hair loss is a late sign of scalp disease, at first the hair will shed a little but the length of time it takes for the hair to fall out with a large amount. Hair usually sheds the most when washing your hair or combing your hair, so at this point in addition to treating the fungus, you should also pay attention to taking care of your scalp, limiting your hair to break. In some cases, scalp fungal disease causes Kerion - a severe, painful inflammation of the scalp. Kerion appears with manifestations: swollen scalp, yellow pus on the scalp, causing hair to fall off or can easily be pulled out.

In children aged 3-7 years, it is easy to spread , boys are more susceptible to disease than girls. Clinically, many patients come to see a condition of fever, fatigue; On the scalp are round, itchy, whitish scales with flaky skin, broken, shedding hair forming a 'black dot' on the scalp. Large patches of skin gradually form large patches of hair loss. More serious, more severe cases still hurt; smelly head, pustules, papules, brow, redness; even with neck lymph nodes and accompanying systemic symptoms such as fever, fatigue.

Not subjective

When newly infected, many owners thought that many dandruff or treatment with herbal leaves, leaf cover should be hospitalized late when the hair was shed. Because of fungal infections, mild illness can be cured with topical and systemic antifungals. Severe illness will cause scarring and permanent hair loss.

Need to distinguish scalp fungal disease from other diseases

Seborrheic dermatitis in the scalp: Seborrheic dermatitis only has dandruff, itching and sometimes hair loss spread, but does not leave scars and permanent hair loss.

Scalp psoriasis: Symptoms are scales that form white mica flakes, which are easy to peel, on the surface of red scalp and often concentrated on the margins of the hairline, and can also include skin lesions in the positions of pressure other.

Is it difficult to treat scalp fungus?

For effective treatment, it is necessary to identify the true condition of scalp fungus, not self-treatment. In particular, if using a shampoo with a lot of bleach, the patient will lose hair. Applying topicals is only a aid in the treatment of the disease, but it cannot kill the fungus deep in the hair follicle. In many cases the treatment is not correct, the more the fungus spreads, causing necrosis of the hair follicles, the hair does not grow.

Advice to physicians

To limit the spread of disease, especially hot weather, it is necessary to keep clean , especially places such as kindergartens, schools, dormitories . Use clean shampoo daily, do not scratch scratching hard to scratch your scalp, rinse clean water several times when washing your hair and always keep your hair dry and clean. Also make your hair dry immediately after washing your hair and when you go out to rain. One thing to note is that the hat should not be too tight, wearing a hat with too long time to make the hair moist, easy to create favorable conditions for the fungus to develop causing disease.

Avoid contact with infected animals , you can take pets to your veterinarian for regular checkups and check for fungi. Avoid sharing clothes with others to prevent the risk of spreading the disease from people around you. Other people's wipes, combs, and hats should not be shared, especially those with dandruff or signs of scalp fungus.

Head fungi are contagious, so as soon as you feel signs of disease, you need to be examined and treated promptly. If detected and treated early, properly, with proper shampoo, scalp fungus can be cured. If there is too much dandruff on the head with signs such as itching, flat hair and smelling, red rashes appear . should be treated immediately to help find the right cause and treatment. Absolutely not scratching and scratching the scalp to avoid hurting and causing dandruff, fungi spread more widely. Do not arbitrarily buy medicine for oral and topical application without a doctor's advice or advice. Eating well and always improving the body's resistance is one of the ways to prevent disease.

Update 15 December 2018



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