The disease not only causes pruritus, exfoliating, hair loss, which affects heavily on aesthetics but also affects the quality of life of patients.

Blisters often appear in areas of the skin of the hands and feet, making you feel uncomfortable. Without careful treatment, broken acne will spread to other skin areas.

Have you ever wondered why dandruff appears and blatantly rises like mushrooms after rain after only a few days when we wash our hair, especially on cold winter days?

A Chinese man living alone in the estrangement of the people because of a skin disease that cannot be cured, makes him look rough like a tree trunk.

The environment is often seriously polluted by sewage from sewers, sanitation facilities dissolved in water. This is the cause of some outbreaks.

People who are using old-fashioned phones now have a reason to change phones: according to new research, classic keyboard models like the Blackberry easily contain nickel, a metal

After devastating floods, some skin diseases develop due to soaking, especially feet in dirty water with poor sanitation ...