How are dolphins trained?

Contrary to the usual circus, dolphins in the aquarium perform circus because they like it.

If you've ever visited and experienced at some aquariums in the world, you will witness the extremely special repertoire of extremely intelligent and lovely aquatic species: dolphins, sea lions. , Otter.

But as you know, no wild animal was born that knew how to play. They all have to go through a process of hardship. And we are known for the cruel facts that take place inside the circus circus, where wild animals are abused and tortured just to serve people.

In other aquariums, they don't use whips. They will be performed with love circus.

Do not use whips, what must the aquarium do to train dolphins to circus?

At the aquarium, animal training experts use an internationally recognized method, and even have marine animal training courses for humans. That is Positive reinforcement.

Picture 1 of How are dolphins trained?
Training of dolphins according to the international method.

How is this method? It is easy to understand that experts will split up, train animals in step by step, and finally sum up into a separate performance.

For example, if you want a dolphin to jump over the ring, it will first be taught to swim through the previous round. After maturity, the ring will be lifted gradually out of the water, and as such, we will have an extremely skilled circus actor.

Picture 2 of How are dolphins trained?
Want a dolphin to jump over the ring, first it will be taught to swim through the previous round.

But of course these are just basic steps. For more difficult performances, experts will use some other tools.

Rest assured, do not have to whip anything. The other tool here is signaling by hand or whistle, with special signals to help them understand what the trainer wants.

Picture 3 of How are dolphins trained?
For more difficult performances, experts will use some other tools.

An indispensable thing in this method is the reward . They will be rewarded with food when completing the instructor's command, thereby creating the motivation to carry out the next challenge.

What about doing wrong? There is no punishment at all. The trainer is simply not rewarding, so they have time to realize where the mistake is.

And the dark corners of the circus circus

Picture 4 of How are dolphins trained?
An indispensable thing in this method is the reward.

However, capturing marine species such as dolphins to serve humanity is causing much controversy, especially the circus circus - one of the most prominent animal rights issues in Southeast Asia. .

Indonesia is one of the typical countries with this service industry. The aquatic species here make many people unhappy is the extremely cruel way they apply to squeeze out their labor.

More specifically, the characteristic of circus rong is now and there, moving a lot. And they transport dolphins, even whales, by stuffing them on trucks, in cisterns that look like coffins.

For free-loving animals like dolphins, having to live in a cramped environment will make them extremely stressful, falling into prolonged stress. In addition to being forced to perform, many children died and were abandoned mercilessly.

Picture 5 of How are dolphins trained?
Dolphins are caught and crammed into cramped trucks on the move.

As a result, many animal rights and rights organizations have voiced, called upon and alerted people about acts of "cruel" and "inhumane" in the circus circus.

However, it seems that their efforts have not worked, when in Indonesia in particular and in many countries in general, the dolphin circus is still active.


After all, capturing dolphins is probably not completely wrong. Maybe the dolphins are born in captivity, so the ability to integrate with nature is very difficult. Moreover, in aquariums, people treat them badly. Even many experts say they like it.

But with the circus performers, where they reclaim the dolphins' labor, think that organizations need to take a more drastic action.