How does stress cause harm to the human body?

We have all been stressed, which is an inevitable part of life. However, too much stress can lead to really terrible things.

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Back home after a hard day's work, you may feel exhausted and want to relax. Even so, things didn't go away easily. Stress can be very powerful and sometimes dangerous to your body.

It all starts from a brain region called the amygdala (amygdala) , which is responsible for handling human emotions. When the amygdala feels stressed or dangerous, it will immediately send a warning signal to the hypothalamus , which acts as a command center.

Picture 1 of How does stress cause harm to the human body?

The hypothalamus then mobilizes the nervous system to send signals to the adrenal glands. These glands respond by injecting adrenaline into the blood. When adrenaline circulates throughout the body, it brings a lot of physical changes. For example, the heart starts beating faster than usual; The bowel is wider and operates erratically. And then, the adrenal glands produce stress hormones called coritsol.

In life, everyone has to deal with stressful situations. And when they felt they had to put all the accumulated energy to deal with it, trouble could occur. In the heart, squeezed blood vessels make pumping blood difficult to work, meaning blood pressure skyrocketed, exceeding allowed levels.

The same thing happens to your digestive system. The feeling of vomiting in the abdomen actually reflects the state of the stomach being restricted. It means, less food is decomposed, bloating and lack of nutrient absorption.

All hormonal changes can increase the amount of cholesterone in your body over time.Stress can also cause you to gain weight, due to appetite disorders that make you want to eat more.

Stress can also cause negative changes to the brain, damaging the sleep cycle, memory. And above all, chronic stress can put you at greater risk of depression, anxiety and heart disease.

So, if you are stressed, take a deep breath and consider some other solutions, such as exercising, eating healthy and resting as much as possible. Always be optimistic!

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