How does the wound heal?

To explain how the wound on the skin heals, let's first learn about skin.

To explain how the wound on the skin heals, let's first learn about skin.

Did you know that the skin has the widest surface of any body? The skin has 3 layers and is responsible for protecting the body from attack by germs and helping the body to maintain a suitable temperature, for example, when the body is overheated, the skin will sweat, that is, the salt water in The body escapes to help cool the body. On the skin there are many 'sensors' so that we can feel the heat and cold when holding and touching objects.

When there is a wound on the skin, such as a cut, for example, the first thing the body tries to handle is hemostasis.

Within a few seconds to a few minutes, blood cells begin to group together, protect the wound and cover the wound so that blood does not flow and begin to form scales.

Picture 1 of How does the wound heal?

A minor injury, like a scratch, will only take a few days to heal.

The body tries to heal the wound as quickly as possible to prevent germs from penetrating the skin, and the body can also make a little fluid in the wound to clean the wound.

The doctor will know if the wound needs to be stitched or not, as there are wounds that need to be stitched to help the skin heal faster.

And under the skin, what happened?

Under the skin, the body works very hard to clean and heal wounds.

The wound may be swollen, red and painful. The doctor calls it an inflamed wound. A swollen wound means the body is sending additional oxygen, fluid and blood cells to the wound healing site.

In the blood, there are cells called " special soldiers" who are tasked with fighting germs. Those are white blood cells . As soon as you are injured, your body sends a lot of white blood cells to the sore to treat the wound. Leukocytes eat germs that penetrate through the skin and white blood cells also guide the healing process.

Then the blood cells will start creating new skin, one after the other. The blood cells will also tell the body to start producing a chemical called 'collagen' to help the skin make new layers.

A small wound, such as a scratch, will only take a few days to heal but a larger wound will take longer. If you have a very large wound, there will be scarring after healing. Scars are also made of collagen. Some scars will last forever, and scars will fade or disappear after a while.

It is important to keep the wound clean, sufficient moisture, and if necessary, cover it to heal faster. Large wounds that do not cover, not bandaged are more likely to dry out and may be invaded by more germs.

When the wound is crusted, you may feel very itchy, but try not to scratch, because under the scales, the skin is still healing. Let the scales flake off on their own.

During this time, you should eat nutritious things to give your body enough energy to help the wound heal quickly, the body's nutrients are protein, also known as protein, found in meat, milk, and cheese. cool; carbohydrates are found in bread, rice and vitamins found in oranges, carrots, and vegetables.

Foods rich in nutrients provide energy for your body to heal wounds, and help your immune system fight off germs.

  • Why do wounds often itch when they're healing?
  • New finding: Your wound heals faster during the day than at night
Update 14 September 2019



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