How to eat organs from animals so that they do not have to be hospitalized?

Non-native, unprocessed animal organs will cause many dangerous diseases. But animal organs are also nutritious foods.

The worry of potential illnesses from animal organs

Animal organs are the most commonly used foods in Vietnam, especially beef and pork organs, which are often preferred by drinkers. However, there has been a lot of information recently that this food should not be used because it has the potential to cause illness to humans, even after death.

Prior to the above information, consumers should continue to use or abandon animal organs immediately? According to experts, any kind of food has two aspects "benefits and harms" and animal organs are no exception, the most important thing is how much to use, how to use it and its origin. Where do those organs come from.

In fact, it is no coincidence that consumers give that warning, because it is completely grounded, when a series of rotten organ-related scandals are seized by the authorities. If not detected in time, those types of organs will be "allowed" by chemicals and taken to markets, restaurants, restaurants and make sure the final destination is the stomach of the guests.

Not only that, with Vietnam's habit of reusing organs, the risk of disease is extremely large, especially pig organs. This has been proved by hospital admissions and has to spend hundreds of millions of dong to treat, even death from pig streptococcus, flukes to the brain .

Picture 1 of How to eat organs from animals so that they do not have to be hospitalized?
With the habit of using re-organs of Vietnam, the risk of disease is extremely large.(Illustration).

For these reasons, consumers have the right to say that animal organs should not be used. However, in terms of nutrition, animal organs are not "discarded" foods because it contains a rather high nutrient content and has certain effects on the human body.

Eat right

Master Dr. Le Thi Hai - former Director of the Center for Nutrition Examination and Counseling (National Institute of Nutrition) said that all kinds of viscera contain high levels of protein, fat, heart types, liver and iron and vitamin A. But the main drawback of viscera is high in fat, especially high cholesterol , especially in the brain, liver and oval.

The use of animal organs also depends on the subject. For example, all organs contain high cholesterol, so it is not suitable for the elderly, people with metabolic disorders: hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, gout, kidney disease , overweight people - obesity . So elderly people should eat limited , and people with these diseases should not eat these organs.

As recommended by the National Institute of Nutrition, animal organs should be eaten only moderately. Specifically, young people should stop at 2-3 times / week (about 50 - 70g / time), children should only eat 2 times / week (about 30-50g / time).

In addition, there are many views that should not eat animal liver because this is a place to filter toxins, contains many toxins harmful to the body. This is an incorrect concept because the liver is the most protein-rich organ, and contains a lot of vitamin A and iron, which are good for children with anemia and malnutrition. Thus eating liver is good rather than toxic.

Experts recommend choosing to buy liver to ensure safety is extremely important. Consumers should choose the liver of animals that are not sick: liver dark red, no nodules on the liver, when buying thin slices, wash with cold water and then take paper to dry and dry out stagnant blood Thus, the toxins in the blood of the liver have been eliminated with only nutrient-rich liver cells.

Through the above analysis, it can be seen that whether or not animal organs should be consumed depends entirely on the physical condition and physical condition of the body. Another very important thing is to buy animal organs where reliable and processed places ensure safety and eat the right dose, absolutely do not eat raw, re-because of potential risks of disease.