How to help you avoid hateful numbness

If it is numb, physiological limbs should be gently manipulated, massaging the limbs, swinging limbs, walking around.

How to stop hand numbness?

Signs of numbness in the legs and hands

The symptoms of numbness in the hands and feet often appear from the tips of the hands and feet with a tingling sensation. The feeling of numbness gradually increases, spreading the hands, wrists, arms and the like in the lower limbs. When experiencing this disease, especially when they occur abnormally or frequently, we need to pay attention to find out the cause and how to fix it early, to avoid possible complications.

Picture 1 of How to help you avoid hateful numbness


There are many causes of numbness and numbness. Depending on the disease, these symptoms may be associated with different symptoms. One of these causes is: Inadequate nutrition of vitamins such as B1, B12, folic acid. Damage to peripheral nerves due to diabetes. Sometimes standing too long, squatting, sitting with your legs crossed or in a number of positions makes blood difficult to circulate, stagnant, producing lactic acid in the muscles, can also make the limbs become frozen.

Handle when suffering from numbness of hands and feet

If it is numb, physiological limbs should be gently manipulated, massaging the limbs, swinging limbs, walking around. If prolonged limb numbness symptoms, frequent occurrences and progression, consider pathologies to avoid muscular atrophy, leading to paralysis.

This may also be a symptom of peripheral neurological complications common in diabetes. When severe peripheral neuropathy due to diabetes, patients may experience muscle atrophy, mild paralysis. Because the feeling in the feet decreases, the degree of keratinization in the skin increases; may appear skin ulcers between the horny areas that patients do not know.

Update 15 December 2018



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