How to prevent it from getting new infections when entering the hospital

It is very common for you to enter the hospital with a disease and then become infected with another disease during hospitalization, especially in a situation where the hospital is overloaded in our country.

Some people after hospitalization suffer from another disease that often blames the environment, doctors or medical staff in general but the fact that hospital infections are unavoidable and even though medical staff have If you try to protect yourself, you will protect yourself better.

Infections in hospitals usually occur after we are given various medical procedures. In particular, this becomes more susceptible when you have just had surgery . Many patients with weakened immune systems after long-term hospitalization, easily get another infection during this time and it greatly affects the lives of patients as well as the ability to recover later. Here are 6 steps to prevent infection you can do to prevent infections in the hospital:

Picture 1 of How to prevent it from getting new infections when entering the hospital
6 simple ways to prevent infections in hospitals.

Conclusion: Each hospital must have its own infection program to prevent the spread of disease but understand and take the above steps to help patients protect themselves as well as prevent spreading to others.