How to recognize killer bumblebees

Mature bumblebees are about 5.5cm in size. Many insects are mistaken for bumblebees, in the world only about 20 species of bumblebees are classified according to aggressiveness and venom.

Bumblebees are the largest and most aggressive member of the wasps. It is highly toxic and can cause death.

Mature bumblebees are about 5.5cm in size. Many insects are mistaken for bumblebees, in the world only about 20 species of bumblebees are classified according to aggressiveness and venom.

Picture 1 of How to recognize killer bumblebees

An adult bumblebee.

Martial arts bees have a slim waist in the middle of the chest and abdomen, golden brown or white brown. However, the most important characteristic is still bee's "waist" awareness.

The bee's stinger is different from the honey bee, it has no prongs, so they can burn many times without losing the stinger. The main food of bumblebees is other insects and caterpillars.

According to experts, the best way to avoid burning is to know exactly the nest of the bees and the typical external characteristics of this species.

Bumblebees are often made into open-air nests, on tree branches or bushes, sometimes nesting in the roof. Its nest is oval, gray. Honeycomb is a place to nourish eggs so they are very aggressive in protecting the nest and eggs.

Picture 2 of How to recognize killer bumblebees

Bumblebees appear much in the fall, leaves fall and expose the nest.

Usually the beetle appears more in the fall, the leaves fall and expose the nest. At this point most of the bumblebees have died or are dying, leaving only queen bees hibernating and living through the winter.

A beehive can hold up to 700, even thousands of but extremely rare.

Bumblebee bees attracted by the smell of sweat and when people see runners . So, if you run away, they will chase you, and often the bumblebee will signal pheromones to other chicks.

If there is a buzzing bee around, leave.Do not scare, beat or tease it in any way . If it feels like it is being attacked, the bumblebee will attack again and tell the other members in the nest to come out to attack.

Update 17 December 2018



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