Humans can increase life expectancy by viruses

Scientists at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center have announced that they have successfully extended the life of experimental mice by 24%.

In their study, Spanish researchers have demonstrated that prolonged lifespan can be achieved by activating certain genes. Under Dr. Maria Blasco's leadership they did this in practice. They forced the cells to secrete telomerase, which is able to slow down the body's biological clock.

Picture 1 of Humans can increase life expectancy by viruses
The virus is used to transport cells of
telomerase, which determines the body's aging process.

This process was carried out by introducing animals with genetically modified viruses to replace telomerase gene.

They will restore the telomer molecules at the end of the chromosome, thus slowing down the aging process because of the nature of the aging process: When age increases, the telomer size decreases. , causing changes in the attenuation of the body. The virus in this case is only an intermediary for transporting telomerase cells.

According to scientists, it can be said that this method is absolutely safe, because in all experiments on animals, there have not been any cases of cancer symptoms appearing on them.

Meanwhile, along with prolonging life up to 24%, the health of mice was significantly improved. Thus, the method has reduced age-related illnesses such as osteoporosis, insulin resistance, muscle laxity, including memory impairment.

It is hoped that results will also be achieved when applied to people.