Ice cream for the whole week does not melt

A culinary expert invents a cream that can leave the whole week at room temperature without melting into water.

Picture 1 of Ice cream for the whole week does not melt
Gastronaut cream (left) can withstand room temperature.(Photo: Solent News).

According to Mirror, Gastronaut ice cream bar is completely different from regular ice cream because it can withstand room temperature. Gastronaut cream is freeze-dried for dehydration and preservation. This cream does not contain any chemicals except a little salt.

Freeze-drying involves freezing food, then vacuuming to remove the steam in the cream. When eating, the ice cream absorbs moisture in the mouth and transforms into a sweet taste like regular ice cream.

"I like organic products with no preservatives or food colors. They're healthier and better," said Rob Collignon, 34, who created Gastronaut cream in New York, USA.