If bread is half molded, can you eat the rest of the cake without mold?

In the case of a loaf of bread partially molded and the rest is still delicious. Do you dare to eat? The article will provide information on mold and advice whether you should eat the bread without mold.

There are many cases to save, people just cut the cake mold and go away and eat the rest without any strange signs. But is the piece of bread without hooks really safe and should we eat it?

The answer according to the recommendations of Marianne Gravely, a senior technical information specialist from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is not to eat and it is best to throw them in the trash. Marianne affirmed that mold can form underground networks and penetrate deep into the cake without our knowledge.

What is mold?

The mold belongs to the mushroom family. They often grow in the form of multicellular filaments or hyphae . Molds are large and quite diverse strains of fungi that often produce in dark, wet conditions. They consume organic matter anywhere and have a remarkable growth rate. They cause the breakdown of natural matter including food or clothing.

Picture 1 of If bread is half molded, can you eat the rest of the cake without mold?
The mold belongs to the mushroom family.

If you look at the microscope, you can see them as fragile fungi. It is like a tree trunk with spores on the head. That's why you always see the greenish-green moldy patches, which are spores of mold.

But there are things you will not be able to see that are its roots. The roots of mold often spread and penetrate inside food. They form interconnected networks within food that you will never see with the naked eye.

So even if you see that half of the bread is still clean and there is no sign of the mold, it is still really unsafe, because the root of the mold has sometimes spread deeply into the cake that you unaware.

In addition, mold on food can lead to proliferation of pathogenic bacteria on humans if unfortunately eaten.

Should eating bread without mold?

If in the case of bread divided into small pieces like bread and pillow and only one piece of mold, would you eat the rest?

Picture 2 of If bread is half molded, can you eat the rest of the cake without mold?
The mold can completely jump back and forth between bread pieces.

Of course, there is still a chance that breads will not get mold from one piece to another. But this number is not much. Gravely points out that mold can completely jump back and forth between bread pieces . In other words, mold "corps" will swarm and beat all the remaining pieces of bread, if you put them in your pocket.

It was as if the dandelion had been blown away when the wind was blowing. It is best to destroy the bread to ensure health, or you can cut the mold and bring the rest as food for domestic pets.

Is it okay to eat mold food?

This is definitely a common question for many people. There are actually many types of molds that are completely harmless to human health, but there are a few types of molds that cause allergies or respiratory diseases. In some cases, mold can produce deadly mycotoxin toxins but in the case of long-term exposure and large quantities.

Some symptoms may be caused by mold allergies such as cough, headache, difficulty breathing, itching, fatigue or congestion, runny nose, .

What about mold on cheese and other foods?

You can decide to throw away half of the moldy loaf of bread but do you dare to do it when you find a piece of molded cheese or fruit?

The answer is yes , for example, some cheeses such as Gorgonzola and Roquefort are made primarily of a safe and healthy mold strain, and above all, they create a very attractive flavor.

Picture 3 of If bread is half molded, can you eat the rest of the cake without mold?
Some cheeses are made up primarily of a healthy mold strain.

Or as Koji molds are often used to brew sake, sochu, ferment a mixture of soy and wheat flour to make miso or soy sauce. Even in history, the birth of penicillin has been linked to a type of mold.

But it is clear that eating mold is still a very risky gamble . If mold is detected on cheese in the refrigerator, you can still use it. Cut off the mold with a depth of at least 2.5cm, then store the cheese well and leave it in the refrigerator.

You can do the same with hard fruits and vegetables like carrots and cabbage. And other foods like peanut butter, jelly, yogurt, casserole or pasta, . it's best to throw it away to ensure health.

USDA said that if you see something moldy, it's best not to smell it, because it can lead to respiratory problems for you . When discarding, wrap mold-contaminated food in plastic bags and throw them in the trash in the designated place.

Then remember to clean the fridge or place food to be moldy because these places still have mold germs and they are ready to infect your other food.

Picture 4 of If bread is half molded, can you eat the rest of the cake without mold?
Refrigerators, although a storage place, can also become a good place to produce mold because they contain a lot of moisture.

In addition, pay attention to checking foods, vegetables, and fruits to get close to food that has been contaminated with mold. Mold usually spreads very quickly especially through fruits and vegetables. Most foods, mostly those with tender meat, are susceptible to mold and should be removed soon.

The best way to limit mold appears on food or clothing, objects, is to reduce moisture in food storage. It is the most effective way to reduce the ideal conditions for mold growth.