Impressive salt crystals in the Dead Sea

There are salt crystals that look like mushrooms, and have shaped crystals like stalactites in caves.

The Dead Sea is located in Jordan Valley, east of Jordan and west of the West Bank. This is not only the saltiest lake in the world but also the lowest land on Earth. Extremely high salt levels make this lake form impressive salt crystals like artworks.

There are salt crystals that look like mushrooms, have shaped crystals like stalactites in caves, . all create a very unique beauty for this unique land. However, salt art works only exist for a short time.

Here are pictures of impressive salt crystals in the Dead Sea:

Picture 1 of Impressive salt crystals in the Dead Sea

Picture 2 of Impressive salt crystals in the Dead Sea

Picture 3 of Impressive salt crystals in the Dead Sea

Picture 4 of Impressive salt crystals in the Dead Sea

Picture 5 of Impressive salt crystals in the Dead Sea

Picture 6 of Impressive salt crystals in the Dead Sea

Picture 7 of Impressive salt crystals in the Dead Sea

Picture 8 of Impressive salt crystals in the Dead Sea

Picture 9 of Impressive salt crystals in the Dead Sea