That's why no creature can live in the Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea lies in a low desert, with a faster evaporation rate than water in the ocean, making the lake saltier than seawater because of its higher salt concentration.

Of course everyone knows seawater is salty, but the concentration here is different. When you know the level of salt in the ocean, it is easier to unlock mysteries such as

The ocean on Titan, Saturn's largest moon, may have salt concentrations equivalent to the Dead Sea on Earth.

A recent study shows that the Dead Sea completely disappeared about 120,000 years ago because of the temperature in the Middle East soared.

For the first time, experts sent an expedition to study the Dead Sea. Accordingly, they discovered a source of water from the giant crater along with some other bacteria on the

The Dead Sea is located in Jordan Valley, east of Jordan and west of the West Bank. This is not only the saltiest lake in the world but also the lowest land on Earth.

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